Those of who that follow me on Twitter know that I can be a little bit grumpy. Okay, very grumpy at times. What better outlet for these grumps than a podcast dedicated to being grumpy about technology?
Well, my friend and colleague Ian Forrester has done just that. Techgrumps is recorded (almost) every Sunday and is an opportunity to express your grumps about tech. Anyone’s welcome to come on and contribute. All you need is to think of something to “rant” about and the conversation flows from there. You don’t even have to be that geeky or techie: recent rants include YouTube monetisation and the lack of diversity at some tech conferences.
It might sound a bit “grumpy old men” – okay, it sounds exactly like that – but actually it tends to come across as an irreverent, somewhat comedic podcast that you can enjoy yelling at and disagreeing with from the comfort of your own home.
Listen to the last episode (Techgrumps 44) below or here:
So, if you fancy guesting on Techgrumps, drop us a tweet using the hashtag #techgrumps and get ready for the recording on Skype, Sunday nights at 10 pm.